Investigation within the company in Moscow
The most common reasons for starting an investigation within the company are:
- leakage of important internal data, technologies and inventions;
- decline in sales, orders, refusal of customer for further cooperation; loss of material values, cash;
- frequent inspections by the tax authorities, fire inspectorate and other inspection agencies.
This may be the result of embezzlement, including intellectual property, lack of professionalism of employees, attempts of a raider attack, when managers leave the company and take the client base and other processes harmful to business.
Conducting an investigation yourself, you will waste time on an amateur resources and time. Therefore, it would be wiser to consult private detectives for professional and independent investigation. The agency "Maigret & Company" will quickly help you to conduct an investigation within the company and identify the cause of the problem, establish the degree of responsibility of employees and which is most important to maintain confidentiality.
No company is immune to force major actions and complications. This can also concern organizations working with cash, goods, material values and companies operating in the information and technological market, where the value is the inventions and results of intellectual activity.Any unusual, especially force major complications or incidents are a serious reason to conduct internal corporate investigations.