Private detective agency
Information and security

Proof or denial of conjugal infidelity

So, in order to dispel any suspicion of adultery on the part of a husband or a wife, you contacted the professional private detective to establish the truth. 

Such orders are of very delicate nature but unfortunately not very rare. A private detective is not only a detective but also a good psychologist in family relations as he needs to act with caution but at the same time fast enough, because in such situations time is working against you.

The process of getting information about the life of your partner which he is trying to hide from you usually consists of receiving information about the social network, daily routine, places of visiting. External surveillance, photo and video tools and further data analysis are used to get such information.

Not always the suspicion of adultery is confirmed, but when the presented evidences confirm that your spouse is really unfaithful and has love affair, then a private detective has a task to disclose the sensitive information to the client in a very accurate and polite way, provide psychological support and help to create action plan of further development of relationship. 

No matter what happens after the investigation and study of collected evidence, the most important thing is being sure that you know the truth which is a significant relief to your mind. All the collected and systematized information in case of necessity might be presented to the court or will be of great support when dealing with lawyers in process of divorce or revision of the marriage contract.

Please note that all information submitted to us by the client as well as obtained in the process of surveillance and investigation is strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to third parties without prior approval of the client.

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Interesting facts

  • When entrusting important documents or money to your employee, you need to control all his actions irrespective of his company work record. Otherwise, you put yourself at great risk.
  • Detective agency is the obligatory component of complex security system. Background check of partners and clients can consist of many levels depending on the specific situation and customer goals.
  • It is not enough to know only the rules and have idea of the legal boundaries of the responsible area for successful work in the market of private detective services.
  • They agreed on the amount of payment and signed the rent contract. On the next day a young man, let's call him Nikolay, brought payment document from the bank confirming rent payment of the apartment for 1 year in advance.
  • It takes a while to save money and it is very painful to lose it. Here is a recent example of how a woman lost a large sum of money from a bank card.

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